Point Out Practices By The Teacher That Reflected Non-Examples

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1. Shane Classroom Management
 Point out practices by the teacher that reflected non-examples of an effective classroom management? Show these non-examples in a listing format.
 Describe in a narrative format, how the teacher might have handled Shane with more dignity. o I know as teachers, we are supposed to get all the students involve in the lesson, but for some odd reason Shane was not feeling his math lesson and did not want to be bothered with the teacher. I felt that the teacher should have recognized that Shane was being difficult and left him alone. The teacher seem as though he was being annoying and almost like he was picking at Shane. The teacher was giving Shane too much attention and control over the classroom. o The other students saw that the teacher had no control over the situation. When students …show more content…

I never seen a teacher with such high energy and potential to teach the students to be on one accord and the students enjoy her teaching style. The teacher found a way to teach 3rd graders with using different techniques and learning tools for their learning styles and the students enjoying coming to her class. o I love her technique. I can really tell she has a great passion for teaching and she wants her students to learn. The students know her expectations and are willing to learn in the classroom. I give her a A+ for being a first year teacher coming in with a strong attitude and taking time to make sure each student learn. She has inspired me to do my best, but most important to guide and support my students through teaching, and not be afraid of showing my passion for teaching. o I did not have any dislikes about the technique. I would modify this technique where it fits my teaching style. I can use some of her ideas; the dry erase boards, reading groups, some of the chants, and being creative for my students to want to come to class and learn by having