Point Park Non-Profit Analysis

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In order to have a non-profit that will engage a community, organizations need to adequately develop a relationship with prospective volunteers and people searching for help. The organization Pennsylvania Women Work, has twelve locations, including their headquarters in downtown Pittsburgh. They have been empowering over 50,000 women and create a world of opportunities. After learning about the vision and mission of the organization, along with a description of their service, target market, and how they help, Point Park has the potential to help the community through PA Women Work. Founded in 1993 as the by-product of the Displaced Homemakers Network, PA Women Work has been empowering the women of Pennsylvania for approximately twenty-five years. The staff of the non-profit organization and the programs they provide work to help women overcome obstacles in life and obtain employment. The goal of the organization is to help women achieve empowerment, …show more content…

The event would take place in the Lawrence Ballroom and last three hours. An hour and a half would be for students to browse different tables that would be set up and the last hour and a half would be a speaker. The event would be put on by Point Park, specifically the Not on My Campus organization, and PA Women Works. PA Women Works would help us get the speaker, help advertise the event, and provide information on sexual assault in the workplace. We would also ask if PA Women Works would be able to start a counseling program for women who have been sexually assaulted at work and are worried about going back. The costs that would be included are payments for the organizations and speaker coming if they charge, and refreshments. Other than that, everything else is already at the