Policies And Procedures For Working In Partnership Between Children And Professionals

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Legislation, policies and procedures for working in partnership have benefitted children and professionals in a range of ways. The most important impact is the support towards the safeguarding of children which has improved exceptionally when compared to the abuse and neglect which was ignored before the policies, procedures and legislations were developed. Children did not have rights before the children’s Act 2004. Its content ensures that local authorities and children’s trust board but working in partnership to keep children safe. This act also made it a legality for any organisation to have a designated safeguarding lead which impacts the role in partnership as the safeguarding lead will have the responsibility of sharing any reports or …show more content…

This impacts the policies and procedures of working in partnership because they must include the correct way to report abuse or neglect concerns. For example, if a child had a cigarette burn on their skin it must be reported to MAST who will then share this information with professionals in partnership such as a social worker who will then determine the next steps in the case for keeping the child safe. Furthermore, if any safeguarding other safeguarding concerns were raised in the nursery and I did not believe the safeguarding lead was taking them seriously it would be my responsibility to report this higher, to LADO and I suspect the same of LADO then I must report the concern to OFSTED. The legislations, policies and procedures further impact a partnership's role as the Justice and security act 2013 was made to ensure any professional working in partnership with children must have a DBS. This impacts the safeguarding of children supported by professionals because they will have to have a clear DBS without any felonies especially those concerning harm to a child before they have access to organisations who work with children. This is a legal part of my settings policy, along with the statement ensuring new staff who are waiting for their DBS to be complete are never allowed to …show more content…

This is because it allows a multi-agency approach to support children with additional needs or developmental delays to ensure the child gets the correct support in each area of their learning. Although we see development as holistic, there are professionals in partnership who specialise in specific areas of learning such as a speech and language therapist for language and communication, a physiotherapist for physical development and a psychotherapist for supporting personal social and emotional development. The children act 1989 began stating the importance of partnerships working with children as it included the requirements of ‘working together better’ in a multi-agency approach. This has been developed further in the childcare act 2004 which stated ‘every child matter this is impactful as one of its focuses is enjoying and achieving, this correlates with children gaining the correct support through partnerships which will allow them to be ready for school and attend school. The policies and procedures regarding partnerships for children’s development should include quick referrals to ensure the child can access the correct support from professionals in partnership which will benefit the child’s development as they are supported earlier on as well as interventions available to stop the problem from escalating. Some examples of this may include a behavioural