Position Statements Related To American Nursing Association (APA)

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Position statements related to American Nursing Association (APA) defined is an explanation, a justification or a recommendation of action that reflect the organization concern to promote safety, and optimal patient outcomes. Through the development of the process that enhance the nursing practice and to handle the conflict that rustle from different and change view of point between the nursing. So the Position statements expire or are retired by the organization when appropriate (
American Nurses Association [ANA], 2014). The major causes that lead to use the restrain when the patient become the

aggressive behavior , so the definition of aggression is the any behavior that lead to

the harm or injure physically or psychologically for the patient …show more content…

So the definition of restrain is the restriction of the patient freedom to

prevent of the movement. So the multiple type of restrain are physical restrain,

mechanical restrain, chemical restrain, and emotional restrain to prevent and manage

aggression (National Mental Health Consumer Carer Forum [NMHCCF], 2009).

Related to World Health Organization (WHO) (2011) in the Jordan, no patient

come voluntary to mental health in the Jordan, so 6 - 10% of patients are physical

restrain or seclusion because involuntary admission and under the force. Compare to

The Zhanlian et al (2009) study that found the statistical differences between the

country when user the restrain involuntary admission in mental health, that appear in

Switzerland 6%, in the US 9%, in Hong Kong 20% and over 31% in Canada.

More author that discussed the cause of using of restrain, related to Keski-

Valkama et al (2009) the using of restrain often when patient become agitation