Positive Ways To Cope With Grief Essay

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“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard;”as Winnie the Pooh says, everybody is lucky for having someone or something that makes saying goodbye or letting go seem impossible. As a teenager, one of the most difficult things they go through is the death of a friend or family member. However, teens find different ways to cope with the loss of a loved one, which can be positive and even negative. At some point in life, every person experiences the devastation from death and with death also comes many difficult and confusing emotions that are overwhelming. Even though teens are supposed to “stay strong”, teenagers deal with grief in negative and positive ways given that pain demands to be felt. As stated before, one part of death is the feelings that come with it. Every person has a unique grief process and experiences different emotions depending on a variety of variables including: the nature of relationship, circumstances of death, previous experiences with death, age of teen, support system that is available, and how …show more content…

There are many positive ways teens can cope with death. One way that teens cope with death is by talking to someone about the way they feel, it often helps the teen to get it off their chest instead of keeping it bottled up. Another sign that shows that the teen is coping well is when they still participate in their normal routine, but if the teen does act different for a while, it isn't abnormal, they just need time to adjust to the big change in their life. It is very important to keep the teenager surrounded by their friends, friends often help the teen forget the pain that they are feeling and remind the mouner of all the goods memories they will have for a lifetime with that person that is no longer with them. It does take time to heal the wound of losing someone and its vital to give that person time to process everything but things will get