Proposal Of Quantitative Research

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A positivist research paradigm will be used when conducting this research task as it is designed to gain information in an objective manner through scientific means. Here participants will be identified as fitting into one of two categories (Schrag, 1992). They will either be in the category of participants who have experienced clinically diagnosed depression prior to entering university or participants who have experienced or are experiencing some form of depression while studying at university (Schrag, 1992). A statistical evaluation will be done to determine the severity and likelihood of depression occurring amongst these persons and whether these factors differ amongst the two groups. This objective measurement aims at highlighting the causes for why the depression is occurring, and whether or not the university factors are the primary cause for the onset of depression (Schrag, 1992). Moreover, this methodological approach will help provide reliability and validity for the study. The researcher will use quantitative methods such as questionnaires and surveys in order to follow the objective nature of the positivist research paradigm. …show more content…

The participants will be equally categorised into either having prior experience of clinical depression before entering the university or currently experiencing depression since being at the university. Here one is trying to determine whether or not the university factors are the primary cause for the onset of depression amongst students. The researcher will conduct the study on the university currently known as Rhodes (UCKAR) Psychology third year

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