Social Work Reflective Essay

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Power is one aspect of social work practice that needs to be considered in reflecting on any situation or action. Reflection focused on anti-oppressive practice is concerned with the social worker’s understanding of the institutions of power and his or her understanding of power, and his or her understanding of identity as being constructed within a society that creates interlocking oppressions. Power is seen as ‘a social relation that may open up or close off opportunities for individuals or social groups’ (Tew,2002: 165) where ‘opportunity’ may involve anything from accessing resources and social or economic participation, through to developing personal identities and capabilities, expressing needs, and feelings and renegotiating. Power Dimensions below are relevant to our case. Ethnicity (Cultural deficitism), There is a common view that prevails that 'immigrants’ try to adhere to cultural patterns and beliefs which are …show more content…

For example, reproductive roles can be emphasized; resulting in high birth rates and it can interfere with a woman’s autonomy, limiting her decision making power and use of financial resources. Women are forced to subdue to the husband regardless of whether she is experiencing abuse. Gender differences are subject to a hierarchy of value and have led to gender disparities and life choices to specific groups of people. There are socially constructed gender hierarchy which leads to an unequal division of power and prestige between men and women. Connell’s works are, according to Giddens, modern classics that integrate masculinity and patriarchy into an umbrella theory on gender relations and gender inequalities. Male social power creates a social structure that leads to female subordination (Connell 1987) and conceptions of masculinity and femininity lead to continued male dominance reproduced through socialisation of both men and