Printing Press Impact On Society

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This essay will be in response to essay title number one analysing the technological change that has unfolded from as early as the fifteenth century to the twentieth century. This essay will discuss the impact technological advancement of print has had on society, how the printing press was first invented and rapidly developed for world denomination, its immediate popularity amongst society, its contribution to everyday life in the digital age as well as the positive and negative impacts the printing press has inflicted on society. Both the positive and negative impacts of the printing revolution had on society will be analysed with emphasis on the positive things it had brought about to early modern Europe.

The printing press first took …show more content…

McLuhan stated that the printed book was a new visual aid available to all students and it revolutionised the older education system. The book was literally a teaching machine where the manuscript was a crude teaching tool only referring to what a 16th century sceptical school administrator would have said regarding the transformation of education to the printed book McLuhan states, could a portable, private instrument like the new book take the place of the book one made by hand? Could a book which could be read quickly and even silently take the place of a book read gradually? Could students trained by such printed books measure up to the skilled orators and challenge the professionals?" Many writers credit the printing press as a catalyst for the profound social and cultural transformations that began to occur in the 16th century. The printing press provided people with a new communication medium thus allowing political and religious views to be spread widely. Per McLuhan the printing press was responsible for the Industrial revolution, the rise of nationalism in Europe, and the use of perceptivity in art. Einstein believes it gave rise to the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the rise to modern scientific thought. The printing press also gave rise to literature and the arts such as drama, song writing and poetry. Per Mc Luhan the new printed word had great plausibility . It began …show more content…

Printing press technology altered education by making available books that provide a new visual aid to learning for people from all background. Additionally, the printing press was a catalyst for many world movements and events by providing an effective way to challenge and reform political, social, cultural, and religious views. Today our society is in the middle of another technological reform that is transforming education. Five hundred years after its invention, the printing press has helped us understand the growth and impact the Internet has had on literacy, knowledge, and democracy. I agree with Einstein’s view that the printing press was a revolution that made way for the Reformation, assisted in spreading it and enabled the circulation of new ideas . The printing press created dozens of new technological opportunities for society especially in communications. I believe the technological change of the printing press has impacted society enormously in a truly positive