Privacy In 1984

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People of today tend to believe that all is well in modern society, to the point where most if not all do not pay attention to what the Government do behind the people,s back that they swore to protect. Today’s society holds aspects that relate to the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, which depicts a conspiracy theorist worst nightmare, and it is that of Government with full and complete control over the people. But that would not buy into today’s democracy where the people and the Government work together to create a functional society. As modern society is opposite of world like in 1984, but it does not mean today holds common ground with their fictional world. Within the power of the people with their natural born rights to privacy, …show more content…

That is not the only power they posses, the Government also likes to cover up certain things they wish to hide from the public. The Government is powerful indeed, but how much power do they have over our lives. It is common for a modern individual to keep a certain topic private, but how much privacy does a modern day civilian have? Daily life is surrounded by the technology, whether it is watching movies, trip to the grocery store or even work, there will always be some technological device clo an individual. A phrase from Orwell’s, 1984 states, “ Big brother is watching You”(Orwell. 3). Through today’s technology with smart phones, cameras on every corner and business it is a questionable thing to wonder on if people are constantly being monitored and if “Big Brother” is really indeed watching individuals. If people are home talking about private matters whether there is something wrong with them or even a interest they are intrigued about, someone has seen or has the ability to view all that one person has spoken about. This is a concern because from the start people were told they have rights against the Government where they would not inflict on our private lives, but if they are truly watching every move from their people, then how much privacy can there be? From Tamara Thompson’s article, …show more content…

The Government is providing security to all when they take action in terms or privacy. The with the right guidance the tools can be used for such situations such as in the article, There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America by Mary Kay Mallonee and Eugene Scott, they quoted FBI Director James Comey who stated, “In the last four months of 2016, the FBI lawfully gained access to 2,800 devices recovered in criminal, terrorism and counterintelligence investigations and the FBI was unable to open 43% of those devices”(Mallonee, Scott). The technology is around for a reason, it is not for a personal gain of the ones’ who are working in these departments, but rather a gain for a whole as a society, for the protection of the people. They gained access to prevent harm to the American people and yet they still respected the right to privacy and had no access to little more than half of evidence which would have been well used. People believe the Government does what it does in order to protect the people that they call home. In the article, Wiretapping Will Protect America from Attack by Michael V Hayden, he describes the benefits of the NSA with, “NSA intercepts communications, and it does so for only one purpose—to protect the lives, the liberties, and the well-being of the citizens of the United States from those who would do