Importance Of Proffesionalism In Education

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The Topic that I chose to focus on for this paper is to "Define proffesionalism". Discuss what the topic means to me and why is the topic of importance in the field of ECE. Proffesionalims to me is the way that we carry ourselves in our everyday lives and in the jobs we have. It is the way that we carry out our work ethics, discipline and abide by the rules set in place by the place of employment . I feel that everyday that you step outside of your home you wear your professionalsm like a jacket if you will. The word proffesionalism in the ECE world is defined "as a profession generally implies that its member demonstrates a certain level o proficiency in their vocation, as doctors or lawyers(Vander, Ven, 1988).Early childhood Education …show more content…

In the past we had concerend people, enough of them banned together with the help of people and organizations such as NAEYC that worked with teachers and volunteers to get thier feedback and to gather information that would eventually become the proffesionalism code of ethics for the early childhood education.Without the organization there would so set of rules or a foundation to go by, every other establishment has a set of rules and conduct they follow the schools should have some of their own as …show more content…

How are we able to teach the kids of today, if we don 't teach ourselves and stay current with the times. I can tell you that as a child with dyselxia, I see all of these current tablets and other learning methods that are being inplemented and I am so happy for the students that are able to benefit from using the items, I wish that I had those things at my disposal when I was in school, i 'm sure it took someone who had a passion for the schools and kids to come up with a way to integrate these items and findings that hepled the kids to succeed. I think that we need more teachers that will constantly try new methods of learning and teaching. I was one of those kids that wouldn 't understand your way of teaching no matter how many times you repeated yourself to me, and often I was told to visit the teacher during office hours instead . Yet the moment you explained it to me in a different way I would get and never forget. It would be nice to have had teachers who constantly strive to find other ways of teaching and not one standarized way. Now that we are in 2016 and our shool I think as part of the new studies coming out that the teachers have more styles and method readily