Pros And Cons Of Abortion Research

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Abortion is one of the most controversial topics discussed these days. It is a topic that I am personally very passionate about. Life begins at conception and I do not think it is acceptable to end a life. Although many will argue that a fetus is not a human with rights and that a mother should have the right to choose whether or not they continue a pregnancy, I believe that there should be limitations against having an abortion just for convenience. There are always those rare circumstances where abortion should be an option, but personally I think there are better alternatives to abortion in those situations. Although, my background and religion play a major role in my view on abortion, I believe that there is also scientific research that …show more content…

A baby’s heart starts beating around 21 days gestation and a heartbeat is a major indication of life. Many will argue that a fetus can’t feel pain, but research has shown this is false. According to Anita Showalter, “The fetus is known to have pain receptors throughout the body by 8 weeks of gestation. By 20 weeks gestational age, the fetus will react to a painful stimulus in the same manner that adults do” (Showalter 2015). The process of abortion would be painful for anything able to feel pain and a fetus is no exception. Many also argue that because a fetus is not viable until after 20 weeks therefore shouldn’t have rights the live without the mother’s consent. With advancing science, the age of viability continues to move up, so this should not be a defining factor in deciding ones right to live (Showalter …show more content…

Those who support a women’s right to choose to bring up the argument of rape, incest, or danger to the mother. In these circumstances abortion is typically more accepted. A woman who is raped goes through so much trauma and pain, emotionally and physically. That is why the option to abort is often brought up to avoid the additional trauma that having a child can cause. On the subject of incest, a child born in these circumstances can have major health risks. Another argument is when a pregnancy is danger to the mother’s life. As I stated in my previous paragraph, these are not the common reasons for abortion and I think that needs to change. There is also evidence that in cases of rape, that an abortion itself can cause more trauma than carrying the child to term. “There are very few peer reviewed studies on pregnancy following sexual assault but a study by Sandra Makhorn showed that there is a better social and personal outcome for women who chose to continue a pregnancy, despite harrowing initial circumstances. Two recent Finnish studies also show a better outcome for women who continue their pregnancy compared to women who opt for abortion” (“What About When” 2018). While I find these arguments to be compelling, and I do believe that women should have the choice when faced with these specific circumstances even though I believe in some cases there are alternative options, such as

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