Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia In Canada

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A painless way to die
On June 17, 2016, the new federal legislation for medical assistance in dying in Canada was created. This law opened the opportunity for physicians to assist end the life of patients in discomfort, patients who wants an end to life because of their illness. In Canada, it is called assisted dying, which is the same as euthanasia. According to End-of-life Law and Policy in Canada-Health Law Institute, euthanasia is a deliberate action undertaken by one person (a physician) with the intention of ending the life of another person to relieve that person’s suffering where that act is the cause of death. There are people who believe euthanasia has benefits, but there are more disadvantages than benefit, therefore euthanasia should …show more content…

They argue that the only way to alleviate the pain is to terminate life. Other than euthanasia there are various methods to manage and control pain. According to the 1992 manual produced by the Washington Medical Association, Pain Management and Care of the Terminal Patient, “adequate interventions exist to control pain in 90 to 99% of patients.” The problem is that not all medical personnel employ current methods and medical technology for pain control and management. Some doctors either forget to implement these methods or aren’t just caring enough for their patients. Medicines like opioid and morphine have been proven to provide effective pain management in most patients with severe pain, while some patients may benefit from methods like radiation therapy, nerve blocks and …show more content…

The truth is that committing suicide is far from a dignified death. A dignified death means that a person committed a great act of heroism. An example is a soldier who gave up his life for his country or sacrifices himself to save others. However, doctors who aid patients in committing assisted suicide are doing the reverse. Some doctors just spend some hours in killing a person in return for more money. Also, someone who committed suicide has not performed an act of heroism but rather cowardice.
Euthanasia strongly goes against the Law of God. The practice of suicide goes against the 5th commandment in the Holy Book: “Thou shall not kill” which covers the murder of oneself or another. The law and good people should firmly reject assisted suicide and stand up for morality and right