Pros And Cons Of GMO Labeling

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Despite what seems like a limited authority on regulation the FDA is the most sought after agency for change. There are many cases presented relating to the FDA, most of which have not resulted in the desired change. Tying back to public opinion the FDA had once made a change to require labeling on “food treated with irradiation even though it has determined that “there is no concern about the safety of such treatment” (Helme, 2013, p. 379). What makes this interesting is that this change in labeling was driven solely by consumers. There has been similar consumer driven requests for GMO labeling, in fact “the FDA received 1.1million signature related to Just Label It’s petition for GMO labeling” (Helme, 2013, p. 379). Unfortunately for …show more content…

The matter of GMO labeling is much like of irradiation labeling, in that the FDA sees both as safe and consumers are the driving force behind labeling requirements. The difference is that the FDA chose to make one a labeling requirement. There is irony in that situation much as there is irony in the FDA considering approval of genetically modified salmon. The irony in the concerns about genetically modified salmon, one such concern being related to its potential for cross contamination to wild salmon. The companies creating the genetically modified salmon would be “growing salmon in contained, land-based production systems, away from interaction with wild fish and the ocean” (Redick, 2012, p. 63). This sort of controlled environment would potentially “eliminate some of the most significant issues of concern to the environmentalists, including cross-breeding with wild salmon, the multiplication of pathogens which then infect wild fish, and the fouling of coastal areas with waste product” (Redick, 2012, p. 63). At publication of Redick’s article the FDA had not approved this salmon for import to the United States (2012, p. 63). Crops that are genetically modified are planted with less controlled factors than the salmon, each come similar risks, yet the genetically modified