Pros And Cons Of GMO Research

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Over the centuries, population growth has been an issue of concern, It most recent years that concern has grown into the issue of feeding the planets large population. Technology has answered that call in the form of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The purpose of GMOs is for more than just additional food and the Department of Agriculture and the United States Food and Drug Administration have created laws and regulations that must be followed. Despite these rules, the everyday citizen is still concerned over the consumption of GMOs that can be purchased at the supermarkets and stores. In the late 1970s into the early 1980s is when GMOs first came into the spot light. Genetics engineers at General Electric were able to get a patent for a bacterium that …show more content…

Some of the foods that are Genetically Modified are corn, soybeans, fish and even milk, eggs, sugar and many others have been approved in the U.S. for genetic modification (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2014). Now even though GMOs are everywhere that does not mean that they are not safe for human consumption. Most people do not even second-guess what they are eating because of the established trust they have in a food they have eaten before. There are many pros and cons the GM food. Many is the scientific community, like WHO, the National Academy of Science and the American Medical Association; believe that these foods are at as safe if not safer that food created the old-fashioned way. In the U.S. there are at least three group that have say in whether a food is safe for human consumption or not and they are the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But there are those people that believe GM food can cause allergies, cause cancer, and actually damage your body’s natural anti-bodies (Paturel & Robinson,