Pros And Cons Of Hydraulic Fracturing

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Hydraulic fracturing is another method way of extracting oil and gas. This procedure has a big impact on the rate of production of oil and gas around world and approximately 60 % of the worlds oil and gas are done by using fracturing as a method. Hydraulic fracturing is done by having huge machine that drills down into the ground where there are shale rocks. The goal is to pump the fluid from the shale rocks and have oil and gas has the source that their looking for. It is done by drilling into the subsurface rock (the shale rocks) down in a well under high pressures that are high enough to fracture the rock. The drill can drill either vertical or horizontal thousand of feet whether the shale gas is. When the rock is fracture you pour …show more content…

The release of CO2 affects the atmosphere by having too much of it , which makes the earth more warmer. If you have a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere you’ll give out a lot more. The issue with this is that the earth will get a lot hotter and will cause global warming. When the atmosphere receives too much of CO2, the layer of the amosphere gets thicker. which leads too much sunlight in the earth. When the radiation from the sun hits the layer and hits the earth, it bounces back up to the atmosphere, but because of the thickness of the atmosphere the radiation will bounce again from the atmosphere. This leads to the earth getting …show more content…

When the CO2 gets release it contributes to the green house effect which is bad because the GHG puts an extra layer to the atmosphere. If the atmosphere gets to thick, radiation from the sun will not bounce out to space but it will make the earth a warmer place. If natural gas did not release any type of CO2 then it would be able to label it as carbon neutral. Bioethanol comes from things that grow for an example starchy crops (corn, brakley) or sweet crops (sugar cane, citrus) or plant materials(switchgrass). These is what we call cellulosic materials. The method that gets these types of crops into fuel is pretty complex. To start this process you need to harvested the feedstock. When the crop is harvested for an example sugar cane, a special substance called bacteria will allow to digest it. When this process happens when oxygen levels kept pretty low it’s called fermentation and that produced ethanol.Bioethanol uses any types of crops that is suitable to make ethanol. Instead of eating these feedstocks you burn them and make them into ethanol. It has cause alot of problems because many people think that the feedstock should be getting eaten instead of making it to ethanol. it has affected the pricing of growing crops because it has being made into bioethanol

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