Pros And Cons Of In-House Child Care

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Dear: Robert,

On average families spend 7.8 percent of their income on child care; Consequently, this creates a burden for a lot of families. I have gathered and put together a report on the possibility of having in-house child care for employees. Listed below are a set of pros and cons for the in-house child care facility.

Approximately 41 percent of families in the United States are living with a child under the age of 18. Of those families 1 in 4 are under the age of 5 years old and need proper child care. Having a in-house child care facility would certainly be beneficial for the families that would use it.

The pros:

• Child care at work can make employees feel validated. o This will give parents incentive o Parents who have help are more likely to love their jobs o Parents who have child care at work miss less days that singles and married people without children. o Improves home life
 Helps with anxiety/stress
 Relieves financial burdens on parents
• Allowing them more money
• Some parents are living paycheck to paycheck
• Boosts in moral o Children in the workplace can add an energy to the place o Can help with aggression at work o Can lead to less disruptive conflicts o Will provide more jobs o Helps boost the economy
• Convenience factor for family’s …show more content…

The companies were bearing the cost of the child care services because they could afford to. Google was talking about how the child care was getting expensive at their companies and they were going to need to build a third building just to house all of the children. If we were to peruse this path there are some options out there. The government does offer a 150,000-dollar stipend to companies that offer in house child care. The parents alone cannot be counted on to support this effort. The child care facility would then solely fall on the shoulders of the