Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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After the end of the prohibition 1933, many states believed that since the legal voting age was 21, they should make the legal drinking age 21 as well. In 1984, congress passed the Minimum Drinking Act that required states to raise their ages for purchase and possession of alcohol to 21. This came as a shock to most states in America as in 1983 a majority of states only required their citizens to be 18 to purchase beer and be 21 to purchase wine and liquor. On most college campuses across the country in the late 80’s, students still drank openly on campus. The police never really enforced the law until the mid 90’s (Jones). The drinking age should be lowered to 18. Turning 18 comes with the rights and tasks of becoming an adult like to smoke …show more content…

They say that these young adults are not fully developed and are not responsible. This is contradicted by the government because they give these adults every other right and allow them to fight,and sometimes die, for their country. How is it right to let them vote and contribute to our national election if they are not “responsible enough”. If they are allowed to fight and support our country, these adults should be able to receive the very rights and freedoms they are fighting for.(Smith).Not allowing them to drink, but allowing them to risk their lives is not ethical and needs to be …show more content…

This is an old law that needs a dramatic change. Back in the 70’s and 80’s alcohol was normal for teens and young adults and hardly ever was there a problem. College campuses were in their prime and were having fun. Nowadays alcohol is considered a “forbidden fruit”. This change will happen within the next fifteen to twenty years. Works cited Ferto, David P. "Impaired Driving: Get the Facts." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26 Jan. 2017. Web. 15 May 2017. Jones,Jeffery M. “Americans still oppose lowering the drinking age” Gallup Poll Breifing, 24 July 2014, p.2 Main,Carla T. “Underage drinking and the drinking age.” Policy review, no.155, 01 Jan. 2009. Smith, Ian D. “Effect on lowering the drinking age in three australian states.” British Journal of Addiction, vol. 82, no.2, Feb 1987, pp.181-188 "Drinking Age" Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age? N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May