Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization

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For the Massachusetts general election, four proposals made it onto the ballot; the fourth question is for legalizing the use of marijuana recreationally. Over the past years, various states have started to decriminalize the use of cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes. In Massachusetts, legalization has been a growing possibility for the past years. Prior to the 2016 elections, recreational use is legal in Alaska, California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Currently, the possession, use and sale of the drug is illegal in Massachusetts, and there are harsh punishments for any transgression. Some of many benefits of the legalization is that it will create jobs, save the government money, promote safe use, eradicate mobs and the cartels, and many more benefits. There are limitless arguments that one could use when debating whether or not to legalize marijuana. However, I believe that the pros outweigh the cons and the recreational use of marijuana should be legalized
If the law were passed, then there would be many policies and organizations that would be formed. Passing question #4 would permit the possession, use, distribution, and growing of marijuana to all people …show more content…

However I believe that the pros outweigh the cons and the law should be passed. The most convincing pro of the legalization is the redirection of cash flows of sales. Most people would agree that the drug cartel supplying cannabis is a serious issue. The only way to effectively stop them is to give consumers a new way of purchasing the drug. This new way would be through government regulated stores. Most importantly, all sales of marijuana will be subject to sales and excise tax. These tax revenues are a significant, because it creates a completely new stream of revenue that was previously non-existent. These tax revenues alone are enough to argue the legalization of the