Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Power Plants

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As the representative for my local community on choosing a power plant, first, the thing I want to state, that it been an honor to represent my community and I will my the right decision. Doing a lot of research and carefully weight out the pros and cons, of either has a coal-burning power plant, nuclear power plant or natural gas power plant build in are the community. I have come to conclusion, to on go the process of have a nuclear plant power plant build in the community.
There are a lot of benefits of having of have Nuclear Power Plant build in are local the community. In 2017, we see are self, getting more and more advantage, and try to create better ways of getting the energy to try power up businesses and homes. We created some …show more content…

To created coal it is 100 dollars per MW hours make it cheapest non-renew energy. Coal is low-energy-dense and it abundant to couple place in the world. Coal is easy to be transportable and very easy to get accessible, and that main reason why coal in a lot of place around the world. There are two ways you get coal deep shaft mining and surface mining. The cons of using coal are people who are going underground to deep shaft mining it is very dangerous because they are taking a lot of toxic substance and chemical. The result of that is you have many accidents and deaths down underground. Coals also, harm the environment when you burn the coal creating a lot of emissions. When burning coal it releases sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the air. Local habits are getting destroy from coals and pollution are drinking water. " Living near a toxic coal ash site is worse for your health than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day" (Health Risks Associated With Coal-Fired Power Plants). If you take in the carbon dioxide from the coal, in the long road it can do more danger then cigarettes. "Coal is the #1 source of mercury pollution and a leading trigger of asthma attacks" (Health Risks Associated With Coal-Fired Power Plants). There negative a lot more negative things for a coal power plant then