Pros And Cons Of Texting And Driving Laws

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Texting and Driving Laws Should Be Harsher

Have you ever seen or been in the car when someone is texting and driving before? They are putting themselves and you at risk of life altering injuries or even death. According to Becker Law Office PLC, in recent years data shows that about 22,000 people were in car accidents in Kentucky. At least 600 of the accidents were fatal or had fatal injuries. Kentucky’s texting and driving laws are not harsh enough. Kentucky banned texting and driving in early 2011. According to Lexington Herald Leader, in January of 2011 to February of 2011, Hopkins county had 12 citations for texting and driving or cell phone use by minors. Only 12 people got caught texting and driving, but if you look around you see more …show more content…

There are three types of distracted driving; visual, manual, and cognitive. Visual distracted driving is where you take your eyes off the road, manual distracted driving is where you take your hands off of the wheel, and cognitive distracted driving is where you take your mind off of driving. According to, when you drive while using a cell phone reduces the amount of your brain activity associated with driving by 37 percent. By driving using your cell phone, you can cause a wreck very easily. When most people text and drive they will go out of their lane, on a two lane road that can be deadly. When you use hand-held or hands-free cell phone use while driving, it delays your reaction time as having the legal amount of alcohol in your body which is .08 percent. If even hands-free cell phone use delays your reaction time by that much, imagine how much it is delayed by texting and driving. You could cause a crash just by looking away from the road for 5 seconds. Therefore, you should not text and drive so Kentucky’s number of citations for texting and driving and the number of crashes will …show more content…

In Kentucky, texting and driving has been banned since early 2011. The laws for texting and driving are; “All drivers under the age of 18 years old are banned from all cell phone use,” and “Texting and driving is illegal for all drivers of all ages.” Even with those laws, the number of people still texting and driving is not changing. Most people will not admit they were texting and driving if they were involved in a crash. The consequences are not bad at all. Your first offense for texting and driving in Kentucky is only $50 plus court costs. Your second offense is $100 plus court costs. Kentucky also has a point system, if you drive in a reckless way you get points added to you. If you get too many points you can be placed on probation, where you are willingly in suspension and you have to go to a driver improvement class. By paying a small amount of money for being caught texting and driving will not help the numbers go down much at