Pros And Cons Of The National Security Agency

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How would you feel if someone you’re not familiar with tells you that he/she knows what you have been doing for the last 3 days?. NSA (National Security Agency) has been accused of spying the American citizens using the internet. When it comes to the topic of how the government should give all of us a little privacy on our own, we readily agree that there are many advantages and disadvantages about this controversial topic. Where this argument usually end, however, is on the question of “How has our government compromised on your rights in the name of security?”. Whereas convinced that we, people, feel uncomfortable being spied on, secretly. Others maintain that it’s okay to be spied on because it helps them prevent people on committing crimes. Our founders believed that the Bill of Rights should guaranteed your individual liberty. Yet, the government is violating the law. It’s wrong for them to spy on us because it will make us feel uncomfortable, people has to be more careful on what they say, and it brings up the case of safety versus freedom. …show more content…

It makes us feel uncomfortable knowing that wherever we go on whatever time, there’s always somebody who will watch us through our technologies today. We may argue that we can prevent this by not owning a smartphone of any other devices that will cause us to be tracked. However, in today’s generation, phones are the biggest reason why our life is much easier. These gadgets not only provides knowledge but also helps us to communicate with other people around the world. Also, not only our phones and computers are being tracked, along with surveillance technology that our cars can be tracked. Licensed plate readers are being used to record American’s