Pros And Cons Of Underage Drinking

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Contrary to what many people may say and approve about underage drinking, there are many risks, health issues, and irresponsibility's that many teens undergo. In July of 1984, Congress raised the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) to twenty­one years of age because of all of the alcohol related automobile accidents. Not many people agree with the law. In fact, some resent it, predominantly because of the age congress has chosen. Since
1984, many people have argued and continue to argue why the MLDA should actually be lowered today. Though many people, especially teens, continue to reveal reasons of why congress should lower the MDLA, there are many affirmations of why the MLDA set in the United States should not be lowered.
One of the opposing …show more content…

MADD is a group of moms who are equally against drunk driving, and who are spreading awareness to put an end to drinking while intoxicated. If the MLDA were to be lowered, it will prospectively lead to more intoxicated accidents. The legal driving age in the United States is sixteen years of age, and by ultimately lowering the drinking age will allow more youth to drink irresponsibly, while being vulnerable to driving while under the influence.. Many young adults who have been within reach of alcoholic beverages seemingly do not …show more content…

Dopamine is the brain's "pleasure" function, allowing individuals to feel love, motivation, and rewarded. The more that young adults binge drink, the less that dopamine will become present in their brains. As stated before, the teenage brain and body is not entirely matured as someone who is twenty­one years of age. The MLDA should not be lowered being alcohol has various functions in intoxicating and "pleasuring" the brain. While doing so, it then will become easier for teenagers brains to depend on the alcohol substances that are repeatedly consumed. Reliance on alcoholic substances can cause depression and anxiety in many teenagers, which can fundamentally lead to suicide thoughts, attempts, and the act itself. Medical author Roxanne Dryden reported that more than three times the number of students under the age of twenty­one who consumed alcohol, said they’ve attempted suicide.
Though people will continue to argue the reasonings of why the minimum legal drinking age should be lowered, it is important to keep in consideration the many statistics that uncover evidence of the medical issues, automobile crashes, along with mental health complications that will put each teen who