Psychological Disorders: Abnormal Behavior

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Psychological disorders have always been around in society; however, it was until just recently when we started learning more about them and what effects they have on an individual. There are several types of psychological disorders we have among our human population. To be diagnosed with any form of disorder, abnormal behavior has to be shown. According to King (2007, p. 441), “Abnormal behavior is deviant, maladaptive, or personally distressful over a relatively long period of time. Only one of these criteria needs to be present for a behavior to be labeled “abnormal,” but typically two or all three are present.” Deviant behavior is classified when a person’s behavior is just outside the norm in his or her culture, which could include but …show more content…

This disorder can cause effects on the body such as shortness of breath, chest pains, sweating, and even feelings of hopelessness. Sometimes these pains and side effects are so powerful it can make the person diagnosed feel like they’re having a heart attack or going to die (King, 2007). “During a panic attack, the brain registers fear as areas of the fear network of the limbic system, including the amygdala and hippocampus, are activated” (King, 2007, p. 449). Fun fact: Charles Darwin, who proposed the theory of evolution, actually suffered from this disorder …show more content…

This disorder is when one is in fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. We all can get this feeling right before we give that big speech or presentation, but that’s just an in the moment kind of feeling. People with this disorder feel this way every time they are in social situations, whether that be a party, a nice dinner out, or even just shopping around town. This disorder is said to come from genes. “Social anxiety disorder may involve vulnerabilities, such as genetic characteristics or parenting styles that lay a foundation of risk, combined with learning experiences in a social context” (King, 2007, p. 451). My grandfather actually missed my high school graduation because he is diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. He said that there would be too many people there and he didn’t feel comfortable. I understood; however, this is an example of how its life hindering for him. This disorder can be very

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