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Gender pay gap research esay
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When comparing and contrasting the two different reviews of the book, Getting Even: Why Women Don 't Get Paid Like Men - and What To Do About It, by Evelyn Murphy and E. J. Graff, The Wage and Publishers Weekly take two different approaches. Although both give the specifics of what the book covers, it is at this point that each review takes on a life of their own. In the review of Getting Even, that Amazon.com posted on the website, by Publishers Weekly, the review is very specific in the details of the book and on several accounts of how women are losing money, compared to that of their male counter parts. One of these examples is, “each working woman loses between $700,000 and $2 million because of them--that means less money for bills,
Rhetorical Analysis of “Women Who Wear Makeup Are Paid More” Over the past years, women have struggled and made strides for the fight to gain economic, social and political equality. Author Emma Lord, writes a problem about this called “Women Who Wear Makeup Are Paid More, According To Bummer Study”, published in May 2016 in the Bustle, and argues that a person’s attractiveness is a factor that affects how much money someone earns, specially on women who wear makeup compared those who don’t. With her article, Lord builds her credibility by citing facts and statistics conducted by research, applying emotional appeals to the audience; however, her credibility on her argument weakens with the usage of ethos towards the end of the article. Emma Lord states, “Researchers Jaclyn Wong of the University of Chicago and
Randall Woodfield: I-5 Killer What is a serial killer? According to most, a serial killer is someone who has murdered multiple people, in most cases that are classified as serial one would have killed three or more persons in a time span of a month. The recurring action of killing creates the significance of the word serial before the word killer. Oftentimes serial killers' actions of killing are driven by a psychological thrill or pleasure.
Men and women are born on Earth in the same fashion. However, according to the article “10 Reasons Women Need Equal Pay, and are Still Fighting for it” by Meghan Werft, women do not receive pay in the same fashion as their male counterparts. This article details how a pay deficit exists between men and women who work duplicate jobs, and the reasons for which women deserve equal pay to their male coworkers. The article also describes how those reasons can benefit economies around the world. Using the literary appeal of logos, the rhetorical device of exposition, and syntactic strategies to establish the tone, Meghan Werft convinces her audience that a wage gap between men and women exists, and that the action of granting equitable pay can also benefit global and local economies.
The gender wage gap can be explained by the statistic; the female-to-male wage ratio of 2010 was 77% (Ferris & Stein, 2014 pg 255). This means that in 2010, the average female made 23% less in yearly earnings compared to men. Ethnicity can also be included to explain the wage gap. This can be explained by the statistic; Asian males make the most money compared to all other racial groups (Median, 2012). The symbolic interactionism view on gender can be explained as “Gender is learned through the process of socialization; gender inequalities are reproduced through interactions with family, peers, schools, and the media” (Ferris & Stein, 2014 pg 247).
Canadian women earned 87 cents to every dollar made by men in 2015, according to Statistics Canada in a statement released on International Women’s Day. This statement was released to show how today’s wage gap has improved compared to the 77 cents women made to every man’s dollar in 1981 (CBC News). It’s meant to represent an improvement and is supposed to be a good thing, yet it is not. Why? Because this statistic should not even exist in the first place.
Tougher laws are needed when it comes to gender pay equity. Men and women should be paid the same amount of money everywhere, at any place if they are doing the same exact job. In 2014, full-time working women in the us were paid 79% less than men doing the exact same job (Catherine Hill). Before 1972, the amount of women that were lawyers, cops, judges etc. was very small. This was because women were not allowed to fulfill these jobs successfully (Martin and Jurik).
With the current elections bringing about many debates on hot topic issues it is no surprise that women’s suffrage has become a battle cry for many presidential candidates. These candidates play to the hopes of many women by promising equal rights for equally qualified male and female workers. These persuasive and motivating arguments for women’s rights calls to question what is the extent of this issue? The reality is that there is a significant wage gap between male and female workers. This wage gap causes men to be paid more than women, even when they do the same jobs and are equally qualified for those jobs.
Gender equality: the pinnacle concept that American society is not-so desperately trying to achieve. Many Americans have convinced themselves that gender equality was remedied by the Nineteenth Amendment and the Second Feminist Movement, and have not considered the thousands of steps that are left on the journey. In recent years, a matter of public interest has been the gender wage gap, stating that women are earning significantly less money than men for doing an equivalent amount of work. Critics of the effort to “break the glass ceiling” claim that a pay gap does not exist, and that if it does, it is because women either do not work as hard, have to tend to their families, or hold lower paying jobs. However, the gender pay gap has been proven to exist in a variety of different forms,
“When women succeed, America succeeds” ~President Barack Obama Imagine being a hard-working woman with a successful career and a well-known name. Now imagine making 0.07% of what your male counterpart is making. Unfortunately, in today's world, imagining this is not impossible, seeing as though it is happening right now in Hollywood.
The so-called gender pay gap, which has been debunked many times, is still one of the most talked about feminist topics. Feminists still believe that women earn only 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. This is simply not true. There are several factors which affect men and women’s salaries, and hourly pay isn’t one of them.
Women should request a twenty percent pay increase to even up the gender pay gap. In most jobs women earn eighty cents for every dollar a man earns for the exact same job. Employers should pay good, qualified women, who can competently perform their job duties, the same wages they pay men for the same work. Earning twenty percent less is a significant amount and it adds up over time. Throughout the years the pay gap has narrowed but it’s still not equal pay for equal work.
It may be 2018, but the gender pay gap is still here, why is that? Women have been and still are getting a lower pay than men to do the same job. Women are doing equal if not more work, but somehow make less. The following paragraphs will explain what is happening today like the fact that over time men 's pay increases more than women 's does. Besides that I will also mention that not just white women make less than men other cultures make even less than them, and I also will share real people speaking up about them being paid less than men.
The gender pay gap is the difference between earnings made by men and earnings by women. The Gender pay gap is generally due to various reasons, such as differences discrimination in hiring process, differences in negotiations for pay, differences in education choices, differences in the jobs men can go compare to women can’t easily go for. Some factors that cause the gender pay gap: • Women leave and re-enter the workforce to meet their family and children expectations • Low pay for some jobs, like childcare due to historical trends that continue • Lower educational levels of women due to traditions • Discrimination in the hiring process, compensation and promotion at workplace.
Why Are Women Paid Less? —— It Is Not an Issue Only About Discrimination That Simple According to a survey by North American Industry System(NAICS), based on average wages, all workers in 2014 including full-time and part-time, women earned just 75.3% compared to men. As more and more women enter the labor market, this issue is increasingly attached great importance, and whether this issue relates to discrimination is the biggest concern.