Quantitative Data Strengths

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Quantitative data is information in the form on numbers, it uses numerical values to display results and findings. For example the number of teenager pregnancy's in an area. A strength of this data is that it is easy to analyse due to the results because numbers the researchers will be able to see a correlation and draw up a conclusion to their hypothesis. This is a strength because due to the information being easy to analyse the researchers will be able to get through a lot of data making the research more accurate. and enabling the information to b /e generalised to a large population. Another strength is that patterns and trends will be identified, so that the investigators are able to predict future behaviors. A limitation …show more content…

A strength of this method is that it is time efficient and cheap, because it is easy and quick to train the interviewer because the questions are like a script. Also the interviews wont take very long because the questions must not be deviated from which will enable the researcher to carry out more interviews. Another strength is the data will be more reliable due to the same questions being asked exactly the same during each interview, so the repeats cause the data to be more reliable and reduces confounding variables by have the same questions. A limitation of structured interviews is that participants may lie to the interviewer and not provide truthful answers to appear socially desirable because they do not want to be judged. For example people will not own up to taking drugs. This is a limitation because it will decrease the reliability of the results. Another limitation is that participants may not understand a certain question and the interviewer is unable to rephrase it in a way that the participant will be able to understand so may cause them to answer the question …show more content…

A strength of semi structured interviews is that a large amount of detailed information gathered due to the open discussion, the participants behaviors and opinions certain situations can be learnt about, this will add greater depth to the research. Another strength is that the investigator will be able to be more flexible and rephrase questions, to give the participant a greater understanding and enable them to answer to the best of their abilities also the flexibility of this research method enables the the discussed to progress and other areas of the topic to be discussed that may have not been discussed during a structured interview. A limitation of a semi- structured interviews is that the research may lack validity due to being able to go off topic and the information being provided is not relevant to the research. Another limitation is that the interviewer may give out unconscious gestures that cause the participant to give a untruthful