Schizophrenia Strengths And Weaknesses

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In psychology there are many ways to gain knowledge to help explain different things. They are strategies of scientific research that are used to support theories regarding human behaviour and experience. (reference) Methods used can include Experiments, Case Studies, Observations, Questionnaires/Surveys and Interviews. Methods are chosen depending on the information a researcher may need. Research can be either quantitative or qualitative, quantitative to research are measured in a numerical form. Quantitative data can be gained in experiments or psychological tests. Qualitative data can be collected through interviews, questionnaires and observations, it is very descriptive information.

Experiments are used is psychology …show more content…

A questionnaire is a standardised set of questions that is given to each respondent to help gain individual information regarding the hypothesis. Just like all research methods a questionnaire has both strengths and weaknesses. One strength is that you can gather a lot of data for your research in a short period of time. You can also gain an insight into people's opinions around the topic you are studying. It also allows researchers the ability to research a wide range of participants and one time. However, it is easy for participants to give false answers to the questions being asked to them as they may not want to make themselves look bad. Also questions that ask people how they are feeling tend to be answered in the here and now and may not show a true representation of how one feels in general. In some cases questionnaires may need to be matched with other research methods to gain better understanding of the topic as the questionnaire may not be seen as concrete. A questionnaire was used in a study for Cognitive behavioural group treatment for social anxiety in schizophrenia, the study was to find out whether social anxiety was a symptom of schizophrenia. The research included a questionnaire at the beggining of the study and then after recieving cognitive behaviour therapy the study questionnaire was then repeated. However, the study was also matched with other research methods to gain greater knowledge.