Informal Communication Situation

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Writing is a way to communicate with the world around you, express yourself, relate facts, influence people, present arguments, connect to people, and participate in conversations. Writing is how we communicate with our world everyday. Some people only communicate through writing and if they don’t rock it then there message will be lost. An effective writer must know who they are writing for in order to reach that audience. A writer must be aware of the rhetorical situation when in order to effectively communicate with an audience. Analyzing past writing experiences such as an essay, an email, and a social media post, shows how each communicated with an audience. All audeinces are different and you need to talk to them differently. I know …show more content…

Essay writing is usually formal where email can be formal or informal based on who its to, and social media posts are generally informal. Even the pres sents many informal tweets a day. They all have different purposes, audiences, and rhetorical situations that need to be considered.
First, in my senior year of high school, I had to write a persuasive essay that solved some problem at our school. My purpose was to get the the audience to use my solution at our school and my audience was our school board members. Since their alot older and out of touch than me i had to really think about what to say to them since theyd see me as just some kid who might no know what I was talking about. I had to make choices based on that situation—I was a student addressing my authority figures, I only had two pages, and I had write an essay to solved a problem and persuaded them of my solution. I wrote about a problem with student parking. I had to …show more content…

The rhetorical situation here involved a post that simply showed my feelings and experiences in a way so people connected to me through that media could read. Some people still manage to avoid social media altogether. But most see that as unrealistic in many ways, and are unwilling to be deprived of the advantages social media affords in terms of connecting to people and collecting information. Many in some way recreate in social media the kinds of boundaries, or mental fences, they use in real life to organize their worlds. These boundaries serve people well offline, and they can perform their function online, too.Typically, posts are short and only consist of a few sentences. I knew that my audience was made up of my friends so I could be as informal as I wanted. It would be strange of me to be very formal and people would think I got hacked if that happened. I know my friends and when using this I can communicate good with them best by being myself and that includes a certain level of informality. It might not be obvious to everyone, but it is true the more that posts are tailored to specific circles in a social world, the less risk there is that they will cause offense or embarrassment.
In conclusion, a greater understanding can be reached when analyzing past writing experiences of how to communicate with an audience. Looking back it is clear