Republican Political Party Analysis

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In the 2016 Republican Presidential Race, the polls are indeed close, with Donald Trump in the lead with 25 percent of the primary votes. Not far behind, Ben Carson holds 22 percent of the party’s votes, putting Carson in second place. While, Marco Rubio holds 13 percent, Ted Cruz holds 9 percent, and Jeb Bush only holds 8 percent of the votes. Voters were asked who was there first choice for the party’s nominations and Trump received 21 percent of the votes, and Carson acquired 20 percent. Polls are nowhere close to being complete; the winner of the Republican Presidential Race is still up for grabs. A man named Alvan E. Bovay formed the Republican Party or sometimes referred to as “The Grand Old Party,” in 1854. The Party was created when …show more content…

Although Trump has said very little on his actual plans for dealing with illegal immigrants, Trump had brought up the idea that he would build a wall on the U.S, Mexico border and make Mexico pay for it. Trump expresses his side of being a Republican by his opinion on how taxes should be paid. He is constantly expressing that, “The government confiscates way to much of [our] paychecks.” Trump as come up with a 5-part tax plan that changes the income tax rates. Supposedly this plan is to help Americans save money on accountants, and will also save a great deal of time. Trump’s harsh views seem to be changing by the second; one day he wants to get rid of all of the illegals in America, and the next, he is supporting a “merit-based …show more content…

This proposal states that if the illegals register, and they have a clean record, Carson would give them the chance to become a guest-worker. Carson later says that a guest- worker would “not [be] citizens, not voting people, [and] not people who get goodies.” If the guest- workers later would wish to become citizens, “the American people will decide what the criteria for that ought to be.” Carson states his side of Republicanism also on his opinion of how taxes should be pain, and of course more. Carson states that he would like to change the tax system into a proportional tax system. This would mean that every American paying taxes will all pay the same percentage of how much money they have made. For example if you make $10 million, you pay a million, and if you make $10, then you would pay $1. “Everybody gets treaded the same way” states