Research Paper On Are Aliens Real Or Fake

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When growing up, I always wanted to if “aliens” are real or fake. Theres so many different stories and documenters about aliens that make you think that they actually are real. I personally do thinks that theres other living organisms on other plants that have life to them. I don't think that we are the only ones that are living on a planet. The universe is just way to big to just have life on earth. It’s hard to determine on your own if you believe or you don't, but I'm the type of person that doesn't believe it until I see it or there is actual proof behind it.
I think its interesting that “Some scientists believe humans are the descendants of Martian life which was carried to Earth billions of years ago on an asteroid ( Jasper Hamill) ”. This makes me wonder about how scientist pick up on this and know if its actually aliens or is it a unknown creature. I feel like if aliens were real that everyone would have an actual answer if they are real or not. I also feel that the government is hiding things from us because they don't want us to know or get scared of the fact that they’re real. …show more content…

Are the sighting of ufo real of fake? Some of the pictures that are posted online make it look like they are real, but it could also be photoshopped. This makes me think of area 51 with the unknown things that are being down. With Area 51 being located in Nevada in the desert being restricted from the public makes my you think that the government is hiding things from us. I think that the reason why the government hiding things like that from people is because they don't want us to be scared of what is going on and doesn't want us to think anything beyond