Review Of Reaching And Teaching: A Call To Great Commission Obedience

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Reaching and Teaching: A Call to Great Commission Obedience. The change of focus of mission strategy from political to people groups was brought about by Ralph Winter’s 1974 presentation at the conference in Lausanne. This change led to the current emphasis on unreached people groups that majority of mission agencies hold. Once the unreached groups have been identified the focus is on how this groups of individuals should be reached as quickly as possible. This book seeks to call the attention of the most intensive weakness in the current mission strategies of the day. Failing to teach what God has commanded. The author of this book gives the guidance in this area of reaching and teaching the unreached groups of people. This book goes against the majority trends of the day. It does not reflect the status quo. The author specifically tries to address the trend of reaching people and abandoning the great commission responsibility. He bewails the current ‘trendy’ creative methods that led most missioners to live the people group after they have heard the gospel. He further writes that leadership and discipleship training and pastoral preparation are relegated to lower level ministry which is not considered missions. He ‘suggests correctives’ to improve the current condition in the missionary …show more content…

It is Jesus command to teach according to the book. Sills argues that the missionary agencies focus is primarily on reaching the unreached groups of people as quickly as possible. Addiction to this speed has resulted in mission agencies to withhold the human resources and financial resources to increase the rate of church growth and avoid all forms of dependency. The effects of this are pastors with little theological knowledge which make them ill-equipped in dealing with syncretism and offering force

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