
Rhetorical Analysis Of Does Our Education System Kill Creativity

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Sarah Joseph Trogan, Amy Course March 29, 2024 "Does Our Education System Kill Creativity?" Rhetorical Analysis In the article "Does Our Education System Kill Creativity?" Published by Pennsylvania State University in 2024, the author offers an in-depth exploration of the various aspects of creativity in a classroom setting. The author's challenge to creativity's traditional meaning makes readers reassess their view of this significant ability. The article proposes curriculum alteration leading to the nurturing of creativity starting early in life to avoid a situation where the traditional educational system may inadvertently limit innovative thinking. The author has critically evaluated the current academic practice, which points out some …show more content…

The source of the article, Pennsylvania State University, is a well-recognized institution that reinforces the trustworthiness of the writer's command of the subject. The connection to such an internationally renowned academic institution bestows the text with credibility and seriousness. Additionally, in their article on creativity and education, the writer underpins their authenticity by using in-text citations to academic works of scholars such as McLennan (2019) and Dalile (2012) (Pennsylvania State University). In the article, the writer bolsters their arguments and places their assumptions within a wider academic discussion. Citation of scholarly resources provides credibility and a sense of rigorous research and educational standards. Hence, how the author precisely combines research sources enhances their claims' overall credibility and persuasiveness. It is ethically correct to cite the ideas you borrowed from another source, just as the author does. Pathos, as one of the rhetoric techniques employed, mostly tries to influence the audience's emotions to bring out a feeling of some kind (Leon). The author appeals to the emotional side by using the consequences of ignoring creativity education to suppress the natural gifts that young people possess and destroy the innovative capacity that could contribute to community development. He states, "I don't think education is about memorizing facts and dates as they teach in History. In school, we are encouraged not to color inside the lines. We are also taught that being 'good' means being quiet and still" (Pennsylvania State University). The phrase reinforces the author's message by triggering the audience's empathy and sympathy for the unfortunate future generation. He paints a vivid picture of how conservatism in education is deeply rooted in many schools. The author ingeniously points to the possibility of ruthlessly exterminating

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