
Rhetorical Analysis Of Peta Commercial

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Rhetorical Analysis The Peta advertisement that is being written about is a picture of two animals that are gutted, skinned, and hanging on a chain. A woman is also hanging from her hands between these two animals. She appears to have an incision in her midsection, and she has no legs. This advertisement is meant to spark feelings of sorrow and fear. Having a woman hanging in the same manner as the animal gives a sense that the animals and the people have the same inherent value. Convincing the audience that animals and humans have the same moral value leaves the audience vulnerable to change. This advertisement has text in the top right-hand corner reading “Hooked on Meat? GO VEG”. Once the audience’s emotions are weak, they display their …show more content…

PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA is the biggest company to advertise helping animals. When someone thinks of assisting animals, they think of PETA. PETA’s stature in society gives them pure credibility that can only be rejected by personal belief. If one believes that eating animals is ok, then that person is the only one that can go against PETA. PETA's reputation is very highly recognized by many, if not all, vegans. The stature of PETA in society will allow them to convert more people into becoming vegans. They also include their website name in the advertisement so if someone would like a way to help, it makes it as easy as possible. They use scientific data, expert testimonials, and collaboration with renowned individuals to build credibility. By drawing on the knowledge of scientists, veterinarians, and other experts, PETA improves the quality of its justification and lays a solid moral foundation for its …show more content…

PETA directed this advertisement toward people with a high moral standard. Many people in society are sane humans and believe killing is wrong. Using the logos of the advertisement and using reason to convey an idea, PETA does an effective job of making the audience feel shameful. PETA understood that many people believe killing humans is wrong so including a graphic image of a human being compared to an animal allows them to persuade the audience even more. By using pathos, PETA establishes an advantage on the logic side. Incorporating the emotions and beliefs of the audience allows them to make the advertisement more effective for their target audience. This ad will provoke much thought and could cause the viewer to experience a sense of shame. Most people hold themselves to a high moral standard, so attacking their morality could cause them to feel shame and possibly make a change to their lifestyle. While making an advertisement, using the emotions and beliefs of the audience will only enhance the argument trying to be

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