Rhetorical Analysis: The Mcdonaldization Of Society

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Rhetorical Analysis: The Mcdonaldization of Society George Ritzer's characterization of an American society in his essay The Mcdonaldization of Society offers a very astute insight into the future. Written over 20 years ago in 1993 the essay still is prodigiously pertinent today, interestingly perhaps more so today than ever before. The concept behind Mcdonaldization can be seen as “the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world” (George Ritzer 1). The essay does not infer that society is related to Mcdonalds in anyway, rather the essay looks at the structural format of the Mcdonald type organizations that represent the mass production assembly line style of organizations that are primordially fixated on produce quantity even if it comes at the price of quality. This is reason George Ritzer believes that American culture and life has become homogenized along a streamlined set of rational, efficient and impersonal principles. (1) …show more content…

This concept of rationality is broken down into its principle categories “one which emphasizes efficiency, predictability, calculability, substitution of non-human technology and control over uncertainty” (George Ritzer 2). This statement is essentially the thesis statement of the entire article. Having been placed at the end of the introductory paragraph and the start of the second paragraph of a paper, it offers a concise summary of the main point and offers the readers an overview of the topics that will be discussed further throughout the essay. The statement is also written in bold making it impossible to be ignored by the reader and thus also acts as an index reference, so readers can refer back to the main