Rhodes Scholar Personal Statement

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I took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the stage. As I ascended, I thought of all the late night study sessions, paper cuts, and after school meetings. Reaching to shake the principal’s hand and receive my diploma, I thought of the hours I had dedicated to my education and felt a wave of satisfaction flood over me. This was it. I had graduated high school and accomplished my goal; I was valedictorian. Since freshman year, I yearned to be valedictorian because I knew it would bring me one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming a Rhodes Scholar and of improving the viability of alternative energy sources. My sixth grade history class awoke my desire to become a Rhodes Scholar by introducing me to the fantastic advances that Rhodes Scholars like Edwin Hubble and Lord Howard Florey pioneered. During high school, I endeavored to be a perfect student so I could get into an excellent university. I joined and led countless student …show more content…

With my goal of becoming a Rhodes Scholar in my peripherals, I was accepted into my university’s Liberal Arts Honors Program and decided to pursue a certificate in Classical Texts. Upon arriving at my university, I became involved in numerous student organizations like Students Expanding Austin Literacy, an undergraduate research initiative, the Women in Engineering Program, and Women in Petroleum Engineering and Geosystems. I also sought out leadership positions and recently became the webmaster of the undergraduate research initiative. Next semester, I plan on joining the Society of Petroleum Engineers, local volunteer organizations like Circle K, Engineers Without Borders, and Student Government. I will also use my summers to conduct research on campus and to participate in government and petroleum