Romeo And Juliet Bad Luck Essay

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The Unfortunate Circumstances of Romeo and Juliet The ending of Romeo and Juliet is a result of bad luck and timing. Incidents of bad luck such as Friar Lawrence’s message to Romeo failing to arrive, Romeo being informed of Juliet’s death, and Mercutio’s death all caused Romeo and Juliet’s death at the end of the book. Friar John could not deliver Friar Lawrence’s message to Romeo because he was quarantined under fear of the plague by medical officials. Friar John would have successfully delivered the letter to Romeo and Romeo would not have killed himself if bad luck had not intervened. Friar Lawrence tells Friar John, “Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood,/the letter was not nice but full of charge” (5.3.17-18). Friar Lawrence’s statement shows how the letter not being delivered is …show more content…

Another consequence of bad luck was Romeo learning of Juliet’s death from Balthasar. If Romeo did not know of Juliet’s death Friar Lawrence might have been able to tell Romeo about his plan or get to the tomb before Romeo. Romeo killed himself before Friar Lawrence could do anything because he was informed of Juliet's death. When explaining everything Friar Lawrence says, “Till I conveniently could send to Romeo./But when I came, some minute ere the time/Of her awakening, here untimely lay/The noble Paris and true Romeo dead” (5.3.265-268). Friar Lawrence’s explanation shows how if Romeo had arrived just a small amount of time later he would’ve been told Friar’s plan and not killed himself. Mercutio’s death was an early start of a domino effect that led to the ending of Romeo and Juliet. When Mercutio dies Romeo kills Tybalt which causes him to be exiled. Romeo’s exile prevents him from conversing with Juliet and he does not learn of Friar Lawrence’s plan to fake Juliet’s death. If Mercutio had survived Romeo would not have been banished making it easier for him to talk with Juliet. If he had been able to talk with Juliet he would