
Romeo And Juliet Love Essay

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Why is love an important theme in Romeo and Juliet?

The very essence of love has the power to manipulate and control people, causing them to do things they would otherwise never do. We can see how love is evidently a centrally important theme in William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet since the tremendous passion that develops between the two main lovers ultimately leads towards their deaths. Romeo and Juliet's love propels the plot since almost every decision they make has been in service of their love for each other. Beyond the bond between the main characters, love has the ability to bleed into everyone in their immediate vicinity and act as a unifying force. The consequences of forbidden love, how love's forcefulness can lead to violence …show more content…

In Romeo and Juliet, love is a powerful passion that may blind a person and overpower them just as completely as hate can. They are willing to risk and sacrifice all aspects of their lives in order to be together. This can best be seen through the words of Friar Lawerence when he says “These violent delights have violent ends / And in their triumph die, like fire and powder.” while he is talking and warning Romeo before he and Juliet get married. The oxymoron of “violent delights” in his words is hinting to Romeo that passionate love, being the delight, also has the power to be destructive when he is rushing to marry Juliet because of how their love is blinding them to the very misfortunes that are to follow. Friar Lawrence is indeed right about love having the power to be destructive as Mercutio's love for Romeo and the Montague family pilots himself to his death by Tybalt. Tybalt challenges Mercutio in a battle and Mercutio, loving Romeo so much and also hates Tybalt agrees, and when worse turns to worse, Mercutio ends up getting stabbed by Tybalt. Romeo's love for Mercutio forces him to go after Tybalt and kill him in revenge, and this just goes to show how love can cause violence and death as the power of love is equal to the power of hate. Therefore the forcefulness of love and how it leads to violence and death is a major part …show more content…

Juliet is a Capulet and is loyal and loves her family, even though she is now married to Romeo and is a part of the Montague. When lord Capulet was threatening to disown Juliet and throw her out onto the streets because she refused to marry Count Paris, Juliet went and devised a plan with Friar Lawerence to make it seem she appeared dead so she would not marry Count Paris because of her loyalty to Romeo. Juliet drank the potion that Friar Lawrence gave her despite the fact that she was terrified because she wanted to be with Romeo and was dedicated to him. Juliet is so loyal and in love with Romeo that she will do anything to risk being with Romeo, even killing herself. Near the end of the play, when Juliet sees Romeo's dead body on the ground she picks up the dagger nearby and says “ Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger, / This is thy sheath. There rust and let me die.” and stabs herself to be with Romeo. The personification of the “happy dagger” symbolizes to the audience that Juliet considers stabbing herself as happy as this will allow her to die and be together with Romeo for all of eternity. The amount of loyalty she has to Romeo has caused her to end her own life as she cannot bare to think of a life without him. Because Juliet's family loved her so much, as did she, the only way she could get out of marrying count

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