Rumpelstiltskin Greed Quotes

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In life it is oftentimes seen that unrestrained greed in an individual can dominate a person and cause them to lose all moral values. It has long been known that greed can easily lead to a person's change in behavior, it can change how they act and even the way they talk. In the text Rumpelstiltskin by the Grimm brothers, greediness can be seen within the king's character, he gradually becomes greedier as he acquires more gold. This extended response's aim is to discuss how unrestrained greed in a person can cause them to become self-centered and selfish and eventually ignore how their actions can harm others. Greed changes the brain of a person; they will easily begin to compromise their ethics with the aim of bettering themselves. In specific, Rumpelstiltskin shows themes of greediness in the way of megalomania and arrogance. …show more content…

It is evident within the text Rumpelstiltskin as we see the development of the king’s greediness, as he is given more wealth by the miller’s daughter. Megalomania is extremely apparent within the text Rumpelstiltskin when the king states the sentence, “All this must be spun into gold before morning, if you value your life.” Here we see the king not only portray his greed in the form of asking an unreasonable task, but also that he is using threats to further his ask. This links back to my introduction, where I stated that at some point greedy people reach a state that causes them to lose ethics and moral values. In this quote the king’s character has become accustomed to exerting his power on the disadvantaged for his own personal gain. The king here is presented as a megalomaniac. His obsession with power and wealth makes him feel as though he is entitled to everything, which in turn makes him a greedier

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