Rynn Tilton A Good Role Model

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Lynn Tilton strategy to turn around companies that are near collapsing is not always easy. The ability to take a company that is near closing and make it profitable again is not the ideal concept for most, however Tilton has made a career from doing just that. However, not all company’s are able to produce the same results as one another and at times can take longer to produce profits. Depending on each company, Tilton has to display situational approaches toward leadership to get those desire results. Tilton’s company is known for high employee turnover at her company, Patriarch. Despite this fact, she still has an effect on employees because of her honesty, knowledge and ability to relate to the employees (Kreitner & Kinick, 2013). Although the extent of leader-member relations is not the best or most relevant, there has to be some sort of support and loyalty from Tilton to the employees in order for the companies to have the success they have had. Robyn Benincasa explains that a democratic leader displays this situational leadership approach when needing the team to “buy into or have ownership of a decision, plan, or goal” (Benincasa, 2012). …show more content…

These factors, along with her authority and power, allows her to have and maintain the control she adores that drives the employees and companies. Task structure is a dimension that is very dominant in her leadership approach. Tilton makes her living in the manufacturing industry which is an industry that thrives on processes and procedures which would align perfectly with task structure situational leadership. Kreitner and Kinicki (2013) confirm that a leader has more control and influence over employees performing structured tasks because there are “guidelines for how the job should be completed” (Kreitner & Kinick, 2013,