Santillana Spotlight On English Book Review

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2. Santillana Spotlight on English is a kindergarten grade level textbook, and it has eight units. This book contains three components: teacher components, student components, and resources.
Intended Audience
1. This textbook is intended for kindergarten grade level students who speak other languages, and are also known as bilinguals or second language learners. According to WIDA CAN DO DESCRIPTORS, these bilingual students are at the Emerging proficiency level.
2. It is available in teacher components, student components and resources.
The teacher components consist of a teacher’s guide, blackline masters, phonics and fluency handbook, class audio CD, teacher’s assessment guide, poster cutouts, and newcomer handbook teacher’s guide. …show more content…

Topics included in the eight units are scientifically proven to be helpful in acquiring the four domains of English. Each and every unit integrates the following content areas:math, social studies, science, music and art. The main purpose of the book is to develop “academic English for success in content and literacy” (Santillana, 2013). The Common Core State Standards bring the importance of connecting texts to the forefront by sharing that students must be able to “analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches authors take” (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010, p. 10). All the thematic lessons are creative, and assist bilingual students to acquire the necessary English language skills to successfully transition to the mainstream classroom. The textbook has the following themes: School Fun; Our Bodies; Our Clothes, Home, Sweet, Home; Delicious Food; Animals in Our Lives; My Community; Getting Places; Our …show more content…

The purpose of the before-after reading phases are to prepare students for what they will encounter in the text and to develop domain knowledge (Gibbons, 2002). Pre-and post test interactive exercises are helpful in learning new vocabulary words and recalling student's previous knowledge. Learning vocabulary is vital for every child at every age, and when younger students are supported with advanced and high quality vocabulary instructions, their future is much brighter than the other students who lack early childhood instructions. Vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of ELs’ academic achievement (White, Graves, & Slater, 1990). Vocabulary exercises are helpful in learning both academic and BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) language because the content subjects are integrated in each unit, “which can solidify academic vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.” For example, Exercises 1, 2, and 3 asks students to look at a picture, and count sand pails, books, and balls in a playground scene. After counting the objects, students write numbers next to the picture. This exercise is differentiated according to the needs and levels of the students. Higher level students can write numbers in word form by sounding out the words or choosing the words from a list. It is beneficial in acquiring the