Satire Essay On Campus Rape Culture

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Unless you live under a rock I'm sure you have heard about this dishonesty dubbed "Campus Rape Culture." If you haven't allow me to enlighten you, it is defined as "a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse" now I don't know if it is just me but I personally believe that all convicted rapists should be castrated or killed. I think the only party that allows all rape culture is the Democrats with their blatant hatred of the death penalty, the constitution does forbid "cruel and unusual punishment" but I'm pretty sure the founding fathers would have personally had a public execution for people who committed this crime.

Either way the only way this theory makes sense is if you think that the majority of people on campuses are "okay" with people raping other people, well fact check me if you want to but I would argue the majority of people don't associate friendly with convicted rapists, or people convicted of a violent crime. Society has more power than the justice system, look at the O.J. Simpson case, he was found innocent of the murder of his wife and daughter. However society "casted" so much hatred onto him because they believed he did it that he might as well have been in jail. This was also seen with the Casey Anthony trial, she was also acquitted of the death of her daughter. …show more content…

The problem with throwing that case in is that republicans also believe that he should've been spending the majority of his remaining life locked away, yeah sure his life would be ruined but lets look at the victims life, she will forever remember that "20 minutes" but it won't be good memories. It will be memories that bring back tears and pain to her