
Scholarship Essay For College

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Financial struggles are something I grew up with. I was homeschooled by a stay-at-home, single mother and even from a young age I was made aware of our financial situation. Every summer my mother and my sister and I would clean our house, pack our car with essentials, and go camping for two months so that we could sublet our house. I have many fond memories of our summer camping adventures. Life during the winter could be somewhat more tense as money was always a prime issue for my mother. Her stress was always obvious to me and it troubled me greatly throughout my childhood.

My mother was exceptionally dedicated to finding programs, such as Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart, that would help pay for my extracurricular activities. Because of her immense efforts, I was able to take various music lessons, skating classes, choir, horse-riding, dance, and gymnastics while growing up. I am truly grateful that programs like these exist and that they contributed so immensely to enriching my childhood experience. I was a very active child was always up for a challenge. Learning instruments and doing sports was the perfect way for me to express myself and feel accomplished. …show more content…

I constantly take on new challenges and push myself daily in order to achieve my goals. My passion is learning and expanding my knowledge of the world and I believe university is the perfect environment for me. There will he no one supporting me financially through university and despite my hard work and efforts to save money, I cannot do it all by myself. A bursary would allow me to pursue what I love most and fulfill my learning

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