Texas State University Scholarship Essay

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The ideal role of higher education should provide social connections for students on campus and provide career guidance to create well-rounded and educated people who have a better chance of getting a job post-graduation. Texas State University does an excellent job of providing these resources to their students through a variety of diverse club and organizations and all the resources the Career Services program offers.
Texas State University is a proudly diverse and accepting university. Everyone is always welcomed into Texas State with open arms ready to embrace them and all your differences. At the beginning of every school year, the new college students are given a little taste of what college life will look like here, in what they call, …show more content…

They are completely lost when it comes to writing a résumé or cover letters, or even how to dress for an interview. Having a degree means nothing if you have no idea how to go about getting that job. That is why programs and services such as the Career Services here at Texas State is crucial to student success post-graduation. This service provides career advice and guidance to students in how to create professional resumes, cover letters and adequately do research on the job field of their interest. Along with these services, they also host Career Fairs and Workshops to connect students with representatives from local business and companies looking for potential employees or interns. This program invests in its’ students’ futures, by providing them the access and experience they need to go out and market themselves to competitive companies. Several people are applying for the same jobs as you, so any edge you can get over your competition is worth going to those workshops to find out, firsthand what employers are looking for in their employees. With this resource, you now stand a better chance of getting the job you want after