Serial Killer Essay

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Is walking past 32 murderers in a lifetime scary? On average, a person will walk past about 32 found or unfound murders. It's estimated that one-third of all killers end up never being caught for the crimes they commit. Serial killers are amongst these numbers. A serial killer is an individual who has committed two or more homicides in separate locations at different times. Within the Netflix drama Criminal Minds, agents of the FBI profile serial killers and investigate the cases. After giving a profile of the killer/killers, they then find the unsub at fault. The television series Criminal Minds showcases and explains what serial killer looks like and the traits they might possess. (How many murderers will you walk past?, 2018, para 2.)
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“The most frequently documented primary motivations to serially kill were either enjoyment of killing (36%) or financial gain (30.2%). Closer scrutiny revealed that for Enjoyment, the most prominent sub-categories included Enjoyment Rape (70.5%) and Enjoyment-No rape (20.5%).” (Leary, T. et al., 2019, para 10.) The website FBI states that some motivations can include anger, financial gain, power, thrill, mental disorders, and sexually based. (2019, para. 10) Within the episode “Foundation”, J.B. Allen was a pedophile and rapist, he targeted young boys. He kept some of these boys for many years depending on the situation. When he found a new boy to abduct, he would then dispose of the last boy at his construction site. When Angle escaped, J.B. then kidnapped Billy. J.B. was very good at hiding what he was doing from both the public and even from his close daughter. His actions were smart and very well laid out. (Davis, J. & Kershaw G. Creators, 2005.) In this case, J.B.’s motivation was the enjoyment of killing and the enjoyment rape. This type of killer is amongst the most common and is present in the highest percentage of serial …show more content…

Most serial offenders are likely to have egotistical, obsessive–compulsive, as well as sexual motivations when compared to single offenders. (Chan, 2015, para. 5) “Serial killers differ in many ways, including their motivations for killing and their behavior at the crime scene. However, attendees did identify certain traits common to some serial murderers, including sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior. However, not all violent offenders are psychopaths and not all psychopaths are violent offenders. If violent offenders are psychopathic, they can assault, rape, and murder without concern for legal, moral, or social consequences. This allows them to do what they want, whenever they want.” (FBI, 2012, para 1). The Criminal Minds episode that describes the motivation of serial killers well is “The Big Game”. Tobias Hankel was a serial killer who possessed delusional and psychotic issues. He had a happy upbringing until his mother left and his father abused him. He endured many years of this abuse which caused many mental illnesses to transpire. After having to kill his father, he took on another two personalities. One of himself, his father, and then Raphael who was focused on doing God's will. Due to his newfound issues, he sets up a webcam wing within people's homes. His Raphael personality is behind the killing of a couple because they have too much