Seven Areas Of Interpersonal Communication Analysis

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To understand the meaning behind interpersonal communications you have to understand the different ways you can involve interpersonal communications to your everyday life style or even in your workplace setting. Therefore, you’ll need to understand the benefits that you get from interpersonal communication to fully comprehend the seven areas of interpersonal communication in the workplace. The seven areas of interpersonal communication skills are verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening skills, negotiation, problem-solving, and decision-making (, 2003-2016). First off, for you to understand the seven areas on interpersonal communication skills you’ll need to understand the definition or meaning interpersonal communication. …show more content…

In the work place setting problem-solving is an important skill for professional workers. Nevertheless, in the everyday life setting as well! Family members can go at it with arguments and arguments because everything is unfair when it comes to siblings. In the workplace, problem-solving can keep you from having altercations with co-workers. Nobody likes to work with someone who is constantly starting problems, or being involved in them. Decision-making is being able to analyze situation and develop a professional solution within an organizational environment (, 2013-2016). “Decision-making is a key element of interpersonal skills” (, 2013-2016). Decision-making can include the “gut feeling”, or even using the facts that are laid out right in front of you (, 2011-2016). For example, in the rule book it states workers are not allowed to smoke in the front of the building, or you will get written up. Then, you decide it is okay if you are hiding where nobody can see you, would that be good decision-making? Of course not it was not good decision-making, because now you believe you did not get caught, so now I can do it every day which will bend into who you are. Meaning you will now start making poor decision-making when it comes to the workplace because of the habit that you have already