Sharecropping In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Said Martin Luther King Jr. The novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is about a family of black people who face many hardships as they live in a town that is ran by white people. The Logans are different from all of the other black families, and this is because they have 400 acres of land that the white people want back. This makes them different from other black people because most black people didn’t have the money to afford their own land so they sharecrop. Sharecropping is where you live on somebody's land (white people’s land) and they provide you with the tools needed to work and farm the land. The …show more content…

One of the times Mr. Morrison showed courage was when Mr. Morrison circled the truck, studying it closely. Then he returned to its front and, bending at the knees with his back against the grill, he positioned his large hands beneath the bumper. Slowly, his muscles flexing tightly against his rhin shirt and the sweat popping off his skin like oil on water, he lifted the truck in one fluid, powerful motion until the front was several inches off the ground and slowly walked it to the left of the road, where he set it down as gently as a sleeping child. Then he moved the rear end of the truck and repeated the feet. Also, when Uncle Hammer had took of to go get the Avery’s for what they had done to Cassie and he left with Hammer and convinced him to turn back and stop while he was at it. Mr. Morrison helped the kids out when they had ran up to the Wallace store because of what had happened with TJ and Stacey. He had showed up and broke up the fight between TJ and Stacey, and the Wallaces were calling both the kids and Mr. Morrison racist things. But Mr. Morrison just puts the kids in the wagon and they were headed home. When the kids asked if he was gonna tell Mama he said no and that he was going to leave it up to them to tell her. I think that Mr. Morrison shows a ton of courage because through all of the things that happened to him, he is still a very …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. believed that black people should be able to vote just like white people can. MLK Jr. had gathered a group of black people and they did a peaceful protest against black rights, he had asked for the young and old to join him in his march. Because they had went through with the protest all of the people that joined MLK Jr. were threatened to be sent to jail. But that didn’t stop black people to fight for their rights and a different group of black people had come together to start another protest. There were about 600 people there and they gathered for the 50 mile walk to Montgomery, when they were on the walk there were cops waiting there for them. The police had told them not to get any closer and to turn around. When they did not turn back they police had charged them swinging clubs and spraying tear gas. This event is a lot like when Mama had gathered people to go shop in Vicksburg instead of the Wallace store. They are alike because both of them were a peaceful protest against black people's rights, both of these events weren’t pretty. In the book Mama lost her job and in the play the people had been hit with clubs and they were sprayed with tear