Should Commercial Companies Limit Their Commercial Time Analysis

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How many commercials do you see in a day? Commercials make up 80 percent of television productions. Should these be limited? Television producers should not be allowed to constantly advertise their products. People may not be able to afford the products. Commercials are causing problems financially and domestically. Limiting commercials will allow more time for show production raising the amount of viewing time for customers. The commercial industry should limit their commercial time for the better good of the company and the viewers. Since the child’s parents aren’t able to afford the product the child may feel the need to rebel until they get what their friends have. This may make the child feel insecure. They may even worry about being bullied or excluded because they don’t have what their friends or others in their peer group have. The child may start to see him/herself as an outcast because she/he is the only friend in the group that doesn’t have the particular item that everyone else has. Most of the “social groups” are formed by teens/children who have the most up to date item, such as an Ipad, Iphone, or laptop etc. …show more content…

This would help the children become more active and live a healthier life resulting in higher self esteem. Studies have shown that what we see as humans and a society can alter they way we see ourselves and can cause very unhealthy behavior/lifestyles. This is a reaction that our brain sets off, and can directly affect what you see, feel , taste, and eat. So if the commercial industry shows more appealing products, the children are more likely to want the healthier