Should Government Have To Say In Our Diets Essay

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Are Americans becoming too overweight? Should the government have some sort of say in our diets? There are so many obese and overweight people in the United States. We are becoming an unhealthy society and ending up with lots of diseases linking to obesity. More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than 1 in 20 adults are considered to have extreme obesity (overweight np). This clearly shows we, being Americans, have no self-control whatsoever on the food we eat and how we take manage our bodies. We need any help we can get. So, I believe the government should have a say in our diets because we cannot control ourselves.
Obesity has done nothing but increase. More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight …show more content…

I think the government should help with our diets because it doesn’t seem like we are able to control ourselves and we continuously are putting our health at risk by not eating right. We’re being plagued with diseases because of our obesity. We are losing money and our youth is steadily becoming more obese and more overweight. The government should put restrictions on the things we eat so we can become a much better society as a whole. Curbing obesity isn’t taking away freedom, in a way, it would make us freer. We would have more money to spend and we could have better health.
In conclusion, the government should have a say in our diets because we cannot control ourselves. So what the government can do is limit the amount of sodium or cholesterol are in our foods. They can also limit the amount of food or pop we get at restaurants. So next time you think about eating those 5 candy bars, think about your future. Think about the money that could be lost and the diseases that could be gained. Help the government get involved. If not, then you owe it to yourself to stay healthy. It takes some work but in the long run, it will be so worth it. Make the right