Should School Start Later Essay

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Should School Start Later? Will it actually be a huge advantage for students to attend school later in the day? This has been a rising argument over the years, and the health of teens, because of their increased tiredness has been an increasing concern of parents, and teachers and supervisors. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has been urging schools to start at later times such as 8:30 to ensure that students get adequate amounts of sleep every night (Source 2). However, more problems will be present if a new schedule is created. Osage Trail Middle School and Fort Osage High School should not opt for a later start time because it would cost the school more money for bus transportation, could conflict with students’ jobs and other responsibilities, and doesn’t necessarily mean students will be more rested. “In the current economic climate, many school systems are cutting costs by increasing class size (i.e., hiring fewer teachers). Achieving the AAP's well-intentioned goal would require districts to spend more money on buses at the same time they spend less in the classroom”(Source 3). Schools are already having a hard time paying for necessary items and funding for their schools. This means that …show more content…

“Letting teenagers sleep later typically means an earlier start for elementary schools, and sets off a cascade of adjustments. Teachers have to change their schedules, times shift for after-school activities and jobs, and older siblings who sit younger ones might no longer get home first” (Source 2). Also, students who participate in sports and extra-curricular activities would also get home much later in the evenings due to later school scheduling. This could even cause problems for parents and teachers. The parents might have to stop working or find a new job to adjust to the new schedule, especially if they pick up or drop off the students at