Should Standardized Testing Be Taken Out Of Schools Essay

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Standardized Test Should be Taken Out of Schools According to Sean Reardon and Claudia Galindo “the presence of an eight-grade promotion test is strongly associated with an increase probability of dropping out prior to the tenth grade.” Many citizens do not believe that standardized testing causes any harm to the students. Those citizens believe that nothing, but benefits come from standardized testing such as the test being non-discrimatory, a great way to compare schools and it also being a great way to better teaching styles. In the past these good qualities in testing may have been extremely beneficial to students, but today testing does more harm than good. Standarized testing adds on to the already incredibly large amount of tests the …show more content…

Standardized tests put students through great deals of stress studying for them and even during taking them. Testing puts the students through all this stress but at the end of the day the tests does not count for grade promotions or anything else of that sort. For these tests to not count for anything teachers still drill into the student’s heads that they must do well on these tests which in effect takes away student’s study time for their regular classes. Most of the time the teachers teach to the test and not what the students should actually be learning, or the teachers could be teaching the students what they actually need to learn but there is a possiblity that, that material could not be on the test. Along with the teachers teaching to the test in some cases the teachers take away or recess or fun courses in order to review more of the material. Another disadvantage of the test is that there is only one test time opportunity so if the student was sick that day or upset about something they would still have to take the test even though they were not in the right mind