Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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As Sarah finished circling the question she was on, she looked at a question on a standardized test. The question stated, What are the elements that have a weight of 10? A: Hydrogen, Lithium, Boron. B: Helium, Silicon, Sulfur. C: Oxygen, Neon, Argon. D: Iron, Cobalt, Nickel. Sarah had no clue about this question, so she guessed A, even though she studied. That’s what kids do when they take standardized tests. Some people believe that standardized tests should be in schools, because 93% of studies on standardized testing had a positive effect on kids, but, standardized tests did not improved student achievement. Research shows, however, that standardized tests should be eliminated from schools, because standardized tests measures a small amount …show more content…

For example, tests don’t evaluate creativity, feeling, etc (Pro Con). Tests only evaluate what kids had learned or just learned. Also, tests are made up of multiple choice and essay questions (Woestehoff). The questions on the tests aren’t usually what kids learn in the classes they are taking.

The second reason is tests are unfair for non-english speakers. For example, kids who are learning English have to master English and then take the test (Pro Con). Kids who are learning English and are in school have to take the test when they know English and that might take a while. Also, kids who can speak another language and they cannot read English on the tests.(Roth). Kids who cannot read English have to learn to read English, and that will take a long time.

The last and final reason that standardized tests should be eliminated is that it creates tons of stress. Kids will worry and be pressured to do good on the test. Also, tests causes severe stress on younger kids (Pro Con). Younger kids are taking standardized tests for the first time, they have no experience with taking it. Finally, in some high schools, when a teen takes a standardized test, and if they have to pass four tests, if not, they don’t get a diploma, even with a good GPA